Accredited Standards Committee


Doc. No: X3H7-96-21

Doc. Date: 7 December 1996


Reply to: Jeff Sutherland
IDX Systems Corporation
116 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA 02116
617-266-0001 x2920
617-721-1226 FAX

X3 Technical Committee X3H7 (OIM)


6-7 December 1996, Boston, MA

Executive Summary

1.0 FIXED EVENTS - none


2.1 Establish scribe - Jeff Sutherland

2.2 Attendance and introductions

Glenn Hollowell, Texas Instruments, Chair <>

Joaquin Miller, MCI SHL Systemhouse, Vice-Chair <>

Jeff Sutherland, IDX Systems Corp., Secretary <>

Hiam Kilov, IBM TJ Watson Research Center <>

Frank Manola, Object Services and Consulting, Inc. <>

William Burg, University of Texas,

2.3 Review the proposed work items

2.4 Administrative

Date Meeting Place
10-11 Mar 97 X3H7 Austin w/X3J21, OMG BODTF
23-24 Jun 97 X3H7 Montreal w/X3J21, OMG BODTF
17-18 Nov 97 X3H7 Princeton w/X3J21, OMG BODTF

2.5 Special topics

2.6 X3H7 Technical Report

2.7 Review/discuss submitted documents

2.8 Define and schedule work to be done in plenary and breakout groups

Open Action Items

Liaison Activities

Technical Report

Motions Passed

Motion: That delegates instructions as modified be accepted. (Glenn Hollowell, Haim Kilov second, 6 for, 0 against, no abstentions)

Motion: Approve U.S. contribution document X3H7-96-20 and the following integrated documents:

X3H7-96-07R2 (attachment)

X3H7-96-11 (attachment)






and that the editor be instructed to combine these document into one document.

(William Burg, Glenn Hollowell second, 6 for, 0 against, no abstentions)

The integrated document will be emailed in RTF format to the committee within the next two days by Joaquin Miller.

Motion: That minutes of last meeting X3H7-96-18 be accepted as amended. (Glenn Hollowell, Haim Kilov second, 6 for, 0 against, no abstentions)

Committee Responsibilities (see X3H7-95-05)


Chair Glenn Hollowell

Vice-Chair Joaquin Miller

Project Editor (Object Models) Frank Manola

Project Editor (Enterprise Viewpoint) Joaquin Miller

Vocabulary Rep Joaquin Miller Haim Kilov

Secretary Jeff Sutherland


Membership Status Joaquin Miller

Document Log/Librarian Jeff Sutherland

Document Distribution Jeff Sutherland


X3H7-96-01 Some materials on relationships for the enterprise viewpoint of RM-ODP Haim Kilov 5 Jan 96
X3H7-96-02 Proposed New Work Item: RM-ODP Enterprise Language and Application Architecture ISO/IEC JTC1/SC21 N 10387 Rev 1 23 May 96
X3H7-96-03 Minutes of Meeting, Washington, D.C. Joaquin Miller 7 Jun 96
X3H7-96-04 RFP-1 "Business Objects" BOF Evaluation Scenario Oliver Sims, Peter Eeles.


6 Sep 96
X3H7-96-05 Business Object Facility RFP Response Evaluation Guidelines Tom Digre (Ed.) OMG BODTF 7 Sep 96
X3H7-96-06 U.S. ballot comments on SC21 N10387 - New Work Item Proposal for Enterprise Language Tom Rutt


16 Sep 96
X3H7-96-07R2 Business rules for the Enterprise Viewpoint of RM-ODP Haim Kilov 7 Dec 96
X3H7-96-08 Minutes of Meeting, Hyannis, MA Jeff Sutherland 17 Sep 96
X3H7-96-09 Starting Point for Enterprise Work UK draft 6 Dec 96
X3H7-96-10 SC Enterprise Framework Process, Version 1 Sematech 27 Nov 96
X3H7-96-11 Texas Instruments Enterprise Framework Overview Sematech 6 Dec 96
X3H7-96-12 Understanding the semantics of (collective) behavior: the ISO General Relationship Model. ECOOP'95 Workshop 6: Use of Object-Oriented Technology for Network Design and Management. Arhus, Denmark. Haim Kilov 8 Aug 96
X3H7-96-13 X3H7 Technical Committee (Object Information Management) Object Model Technical Report Frank Manola (Ed.) Dec 96
X3H7-96-14 Contribution to U.S. Position at Canberra Haim Kilov 7 Dec 96
X3H7-96-15 Contribution to U.S. Position at Canberra Frank Manola 7 Dec 96
X3H7-96-16 Contribution to U.S. Position at Canberra Glenn Hollowell 7 Dec 96
X3H7-96-17 Contribution to U.S. Position at Canberra William Burg 7 Dec 96
X3H7-96-18 Contribution to U.S. Position at Canberra Jeff Sutherland 7 Dec 96
X3H7-96-19 [Proposed] Delegates instructions. RM-ODP enterprise language, January 1997 meeting of SC21/WG7. U.S. proprietary document. Joaquin Miller 6 Dec 96
X3H7-96-20 US contribution to WG7 meeting on Enterprise Viewpoint Language Joaquin Miller 6 Dec 96

Chronological Details of Meeting Discussions, Friday, 6 Dec 96

Administrivia: Glenn Hollowell - Chair

11:00 Meeting Convened

Glenn Hollowell announced his resignation as Chair of X3H7. Joaquin Miller becomes Acting Chair on the effective date of his resignation. The Chair will need to be refilled through a ballot process. The Vice Chair can be filled informally by the Committee with no official X3 ballot.

Volunteers for Chair may fill out an X3 form. The Chair must have written support from his/her company for a guaranteed period of 3 years.

Joaquin Miller indicated his intent to volunteer.

New business

William Berg proposed that we enable Net meetings via PC video conference. Also Lotus Notes allows online tracking of written comments. This is currently being implemented at Sematec.

X3 is reducing their meetings to a maximum of 3 meetings a year and other meetings to be electronic.

See for Internet tools survey (Frank Manola). Unless you are on the Mbone, the Internet does not guarantee any bandwidth.

Glenn Hollowell pointed out that colocation with OMG is very importance and significantly enhances visibility and participation. There was general agreement that this is a good policy to continue.

Discussion of X3H7 Technical Report

Frank Manola passed out the December 1996 X3H7 Technical Committee Object Model Technical Report (Dec 96) which outlines future X3H7 activities (p. 17). Section 4.1.3 Enterprise Modeling is the major piece of work.

We need to decide on process for developing an Enterprise Modeling standard because it is now a formal international standards project (Glenn Hollowell).

We need written submissions to work from. They do not need to be formal change proposals as in X3H2 but they do need to be written and distributed. People need to write down their ideas even if they are in the formative stage. We also need a method for distribution (Frank Manola).

MCI will set up a Web site (Joaquin). They may also support conference calls if IBM supports some. IBM has not had a lot of success with conference calls in Europe because written submissions are the key (Haim). TI has had success with conference calls with someone taking minutes and reporting them out immediately (Glenn).

The important of conference calls is meeting to pull some things together and make decisions (Frank).

Anything we submit international must be in writing a month ahead of the meeting. This will enforce some basic discipline (Joaquin). Ultimately the X3H2 discipline will need to be imposed for the international work (Frank).

Agenda for today:

How do we develop material for Canberra?

What would we like to do with Frank's contribution? X3H2 votes on the Technical Report next week and will make comments. X3H7 could take the document home and comment back in writing along with X3H2.


After this meeting, there will not be work to be done until the later part of January. Joaquin will come back with first international draft. There is already schedule an X3H7 meeting in Austin in March. We need a process between now and then (Glenn).

Joaquin - I would like deadlines each month and circulate an increment of work with conference calls as necessary.

By the end of the year, the Committee must review the introductory material in the Technical Report and comment back to Frank Manola by 31 December 1996. Frank, as Editor, is the arbiter of inclusion of comments.

Approval of rewritten SQL Features Matrix: Email vote

Reapproval of Technical Report for submission to OMC: Email vote

At the March OMC meeeting, Joaquin will present the updated report.

Preparation for ISO Meeting in Canberra

The material available is not sufficient for an initial draft for the Canberra meeting (Haim). The UK Note has some good material. The metamodel show links as relationships without sufficient explanation. It needs further work. Certain concepts are already defined in RM-ODP and this definition needs to be explicitly stated.

The intended disposition of the UK document is for Joaquin to use it as a discussion item in Canberra (Glenn). The discussion needs to go on at two levels (Frank). What set of different things does a specific concept fail to distinguish? What are we talking about at a high level. What do we want to describe? This has been a difficulty in understanding the RM-ODP documents. Unless you understand the history of the problems RM-ODP was trying to deal with, it is hard to understand the motivation for pieces of the document.

We need to get a clear outline of what we are going to try to specify before we descend into detailed analysis of concepts.

Section 2.3.1 provides a good start at beginning to define an intuitive overview of the enterprise viewpoint (Haim).

Are we trying to describe the entire enterprise, its parts and relationships, or only the part of the enterprise that is an information system. What is an "ODP System?" (Frank)

The specification should start with a total description of the enterprise, manual and automated. The next level down should describe the automated piece (Bill).

There is an international Conceptual Schema group that is trying to describe the larger world. The work item that we have is directed toward an information system (Glenn). We need to model the information system and its environment (Joaquin). We need to go one level higher than our specification to set a context (Bill).

The enterprise viewpoint is a collection of viewpoints on the enterprise (regulatory viewpoint, business needs, etc.) Sometimes they are consistent, sometimes they are not consistent (Haim).

Are there relationships in the enterprise external to the "enterprise system" that we do not have to describe in the enterprise viewpoint (Frank). We need to focus on a specific system (Joaquin).

The enterprise system can be the business object schema or it could be viewed as the requirements that reflect what the information system is supposed to do, maybe obligations of the corporation to external parties (these may be direct as the printer fails and the paycheck will not be printed, or more indirect as what obligations does the corporation have to stake holders). What is the relationship between the operation of the system and the obligations to external parties. Does the failure of a piece of the system violate the law? Does this imply that you need a conceptual model of the enterprise that contains the information system (Frank)?

Going back to the RM-ODP viewpoints, the five viewpoints provide information for specification of an ODP system. I think we need to agree that this is an information system. "A viewpoint on an ODP system and its environment that focuses on the purpose, scope,and policies" of an information system (Joaquin).

"An ODP system is a system that conforms to the requirements of ODP standards." In 6.5, the statement is made that the word system can refer to an information system but can also be more general.

Business specification


System specification


Software system specification


If there are parts of the system which will never be automated (for the next two years) then they may be included in the enterprise viewpoint but only at a high level of abstraction (Haim).

The criteria for underwriting a system may not be in the system, but the way a decision will be made is conveyed to the system. The way it is conveyed to the system will establish a connection (Frank).

Use case are designed to describe this problem (Jeff).

I have sat through three attempts to conceptually describe GTE. All failed. I don't want to include in the model (in principle) those things that cannot be fully described (the whole business) (Frank).

If we focus on the systems specification and lower, we can leave it optional as to extent of specification of the business as a whole (Frank).

If I want tracability from the system specification to the business specification, then the business must be described to the extent necessary (Frank).

I think this gets back to use cases which we are trying to focus on at IDX. Who or what are the entities or agents that interact with the system. What is the nature of that interaction and how does the system support that set of interactions. Anything external to this is not relevant to the system (Jeff).

A discussion of the Community section of the UK documentpart 2.1 ensued. "Community: A configuration of objects formed to meet the objective. The objective is expressed as a contract which specifies how the objective can be met."

The word objective is not properly defined (Hiam). The contract specifies enough conditions (a predicate) to know whether the objective is attained or not (Frank). Or it is looser than that (Joaquin). We think this contract will help us make money. We don't know for sure if meeting the contract will meet the objective, but in our best subjective judgement it will.

Process question: How are we going to get to conclusion here?

I would like to accept or not, concepts in the UK document where they quote from RM-ODP (Joaquin. We need a vote on a document by the end of the meeting on a document which is the U.S. position for Canberra. Next week this document must be on the X3T3 exploder for a vote. No one needs to consider anything we say unless it is a US position.

We need a US position on a starting point for the Enterprise standard. We need to write down instructions for Joaquin to follow. X3T3 suggested that we take the position that nothing go into the document that precludes work that we intend to undertake later. We can focus on one part of a document and defer discussion on separate issues for future documents.

Instruction to delegate:

The current submissions are initial contributions that provide some material for possible definitions. We are not ready yet to precisely formulate specific definitions.

Do we want to draft a proposed baseline document? Do we want to solicit multiple proposals for base documents and then synthesize a first draft?

Whatever comes out of the Canberra meeting will be the first base document (Glenn).

The base document should contain a rationale part and a definitional part. Merging of definitions is too early. We only have the UK position and not the Australia, French, German, etc.


This evening, each person will write a one page contribution for a US position document in Canberra. Joaquin can synthesize contributions and send it back out to the committment via email for a vote.

Saturday, 7 Dec 96

9 AM Members of the Committee continued worked on individual contributions

10 AM Discussion of contributions to U.S. position

Each contribution was reviewed. See X3H7-96-14 through 96-18

Motion: That delegates instructions as modified be accepted. (Glenn Hollowell, Haim Kilov second, 6 for, 0 against, no abstentions)

Motion: Approve U.S. contribution document X3H7-96-20 and the following integrated documents:

X3H7-96-07R2 (attachment)

X3H7-96-11 (attachment)






and that the editor be instructed to combine these document into one document.

(William Burg, Glenn Hollowell second, 6 for, 0 against, no abstentions)

The integrated document will be emailed in RTF format to the committee within the next two days by Joaquin Miller.

Motion: That minutes of last meeting X3H7-96-18 be accepted as amended. (Glenn Hollowell, Haim Kilov second, 6 for, 0 against, no abstentions)

Glenn Hollowell can be reached at

UML Role Specification Discussion

An object in a composition is specified as a sender and receiver of messages. In RM-ODP terms, a group of three related objects is a community. Whether one object in the community or the community itself accepts a message is a computational viewpoint question.

The community is a composite object. An operation can be applied to the composite. The pre- and post-conditions are specified to apply at an appropriate level of abstraction (a specific object or the whole community).

If you define a type of composition and several component types, the composite types are distinguishable from the component types and the component types are distinguishable from each other. You will see that these are roles because when you instantiate a component type (Haim).

Actions happen between the composite and each component and between components. When you consider the whole composite as one object, you have a collection of actions for the composite and some of the component actions become invisible.

The issue is that a system must be specified as a nested set of hierarchical components. There is no way to do this in UML. Rumbaugh and Odell are in disagreement as to how this is handled.

Protocol is usually used to mean interface, plus number of participants, plus ordering of interactions (Frank).

Generalized Relationship Model (GRM) specifies this properly (Haim).

Running components are an instance based phenomenon.

Motion: That the Committee authorize Glenn Hollowell in his resignation to X3 to state that this Committee unanimously endorses Joaquin Miller to be elevated to the position of Chair of X3H7 (Glenn Hollowell, Haim Kilov second, passed unanimously).

Motion: That X3H7 requests the Acting Chair, Joaquin Miller, to solicit candidates for the open Vice Chair position. (Jeff Sutherland, Haim Kilov second, passed unanimously)

Adjourn 12PM