Accredited Standards Committee
Doc. No: X3H7-96-08
Doc. Date: 17 Sep 1996
Reply to: Jeff Sutherland
IDX Systems Corporation
116 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA 02116
617-266-0001 x2920
617-721-1226 FAX

X3 Technical Committee X3H7 (OIM)

MINUTES OF MEETING 18 (Draft Revision 1)

15-17 September 1996, Hyannis, MA

Table of Contents

0.0 Executive Summary

1.0 FIXED EVENTS - none


2.1 Establish scribe - Jeff Sutherland

2.2 Attendance and introductions

Glenn Hollowell, Texas Instruments, Chair <>

Joaquin Miller, MCI SHL Systemhouse, Vice-Chair <>

Jeff Sutherland, IDX Systems Corp., Secretary <>

Tom Digre, Texas Instruments <>

Hiam Kilov, IBM TJ Watson Research Center <>

Bryan Wood, Open IT Ltd. <>

Bob Hodges, Texas Instruments <>

Cory Casanave, Data Access Corp., Chair BODTF <>

Mohammad Rashid, Quantitative Data Systems <>

Frank Manola, Object Services and Consulting, Inc. <>

Stuart McIntosh, MIT

Selden Stewart, NIST <>

Silas Larry Smith, IBM <>

Tom Rutt, Lucent Technologies <>

Stig Berild, SISU <>

David Smith, Deere & Company <>

Oliver Sims, SSA Object Technology <>

Karsten Riemer, Sun Microsystems Computer Corp. <>

Woody Pidcock, The Boeing Company <>

2.3 Review the proposed work items

2.4 Administrative

Date Meeting Place
6-7 Dec 96 X3H7
  • Prepare U.S. position for ISO Australia Meeting
  • Submissions due by 25 November
Boston @IDX
10-11 Mar 97 X3H7 Austin w/X3J21, OMG BODTF
23-24 Jun 97 X3H7 Montreal w/X3J21, OMG BODTF
17-18 Nov 97 X3H7 Princeton w/X3J21, OMG BODTF

2.5 Special topics

2.6 X3H7 Final Report

2.7 Review/discuss submitted documents

2.8 Define and schedule work to be done in plenary and breakout groups

  1. Open Action Items
  2. Liaison Activities
  3. Technical Report
  4. Motions Passed

Motion: Persons not present at the end of the day will give their votes on the ballot to the Chairman within the next day. Passed by unanimous consent.

Motion: Approve minutes of X3H7 7 June 96 Meeting. Passed by unanimous consent.

Motion: Change Ballot title to "RM-ODP Enterprise Language and Relationships to other Viewpoints." Glenn Hollowell, second Frank Manola. Passed 6 for, 0 against, 4 abstentions.

Motion: Change text in clause 2.1 as indicated. Joaquin Miller, second Frank Manola.

Therefore, there exists a clear need to describe how the viewpoint languages are used together for creating application architectures. This description shall be based on existing RM-ODP definitions in IS 10796-2 as refined by IS 10796-3 and the new concepts and constructs defined for the new enterprise viewpoint.

After discussion, the change was amended by unanimous consent to:

Therefore, there exists a clear need to describe how the viewpoint languages are used together for creating application architectures. This description shall be based on existing RM-ODP definitions in IS 10796-2 as refined by IS 10796-3 and the new concepts and constructs defined for the new enterprise viewpoint..

Passed 7 for, 0 against, 1 abstention.

Motion: Change text in clause 2.2 as indicated. Brian Wood, second Glenn Hollowell.

There are no provisions for interoperation with a model prepared for some other enterprise, nor do such models link in a rigorous manner with system specification languages.

Passed by unanimous consent.

Motion: Recommend to X3T3 that they should respond to the Ballot item by voting yes with the editorial comments adopted by X3H7. Glenn Hollowell, Frank Manola second. Passed 7 for, 0 against, 1 abstention.

ommittee Responsibilities (see X3H7-95-05)


Chair Glenn Hollowell

Vice-Chair Joaquin Miller

Project Editor (Object Models) Frank Manola

Project Editor (Enterprise Viewpoint) Joaquin Miller

Vocabulary Rep Joaquin Miller Haim Kilov

Secretary Jeff Sutherland


Membership Status Joaquin Miller

Document Log/Librarian Jeff Sutherland

Document Distribution Jeff Sutherland


X3H7-96-01 Some materials on relationships for the enterprise viewpoint of RM-ODP Haim Kilov 5 Jan 96
X3H7-96-02 Proposed New Work Item: RM-ODP Enterprise Language and Application Architecture ISO/IEC JTC1/SC21 N 10387 Rev 1 23 May 96
X3H7-96-03 Minutes of Meeting, Washington, D.C. Joaquin Miller 7 Jun 96
X3H7-96-04 RFP-1 "Business Objects" BOF Evaluation Scenario Oliver Sims, Peter Eeles. OMG BODTF 6 Sep 96
X3H7-96-05 Business Object Facility RFP Response Evaluation Guidelines Tom Digre (Ed.) OMG BODTF 7 Sep 96
X3H7-96-06 U.S. ballot comments on SC21 N10387 - New Work Item Proposal for Enterprise Language Tom Rutt X3T3-96-096 16 Sep 96
X3H7-96-07R1 Business rules for the Enterprise Viewpoint of RM-ODP Haim Kilov 13 Oct 96

Chronological Details of Meeting Discussions, Tuesday, 17 Sep 96

Administrivia: Glenn Hollowell - Chair

Joaquin Miller will provide Jeff Sutherland minutes of ad hoc meeting 1-5PM on 15 Sep.
Minutes of June 96 meeting by Joaquin Miller will be reviewed after lunch.

Need to meet in late November to finalize the U.S. position to ISO Australia meeting. We will develop about a 10 page submission and take two days to work on it on December 6-7 in Boston at IDX.

Next Meetings

6-7 Dec 96 Boston, IDX Systems

10-11 Mar 97 Austin, Joint with X3J21 and OMG BODTF

23-24 Jun 97 Montreal, Joint with X3J21 and OMG BODTF

17-18 Nov 97 Princeton, Joint with X3J21 and OMG BODTF


Reports on work completed - Haim Kilov contribution

Discussion of what is needed next

Gathering of work assignments

Making work assignments

Prepare ballot response for ISO new work item

Reconcile RFP Response Evaluation Guidelines with RM-ODP requirements - Tom Digre

Reconcile RFP Response Evaluation Guidelines with RM-ODP requirements - Tom Digre

There is a different in perspective. At yesterday's BODTF meeting, the BOF was viewed as part of the engineering viewpoint. On Page 6 of the Business Object Facility Response Evaluation Guidelines, the BOF is considered part of the information and enterprise viewpoint.

It was my interpretation of the last ISO meeting that BOF was part of the engineering viewpoint. This needs to be clarified at the next ISO meeting. It depends on how your are looking at how you specify the BOF facility (Bryan Wood).

There are different views on this. I originally viewed the BOF as a mechanism like OLE/COM that allowed plug and play. Cory Casanave, Chair BODTF, views BOF as an underlying application framework that is used to build vertical application domain frameworks (Jeff Sutherland).

What Tom has written is good in that it dicusses it from all viewpoint perspectives. I don't see a problem here. There will be a problem with lack of clear specifications in the submissions (Haim Kilov).

Example: Rumbaugh has week specification of relationships, they are just links in most cases. RM-ODP precisely specifies relationships. Some statements in responses may be based on vague concepts like Rumbaugh's and not precise specifications as in RM-ODP (Haim Kilov).

Since you are looking at the BOF facility, you may want to evaluate it from all viewpoints. This is different that looking at the specific use of the BOF which may be an engineering issue (Bryan Wood).

Here is an example of how viewpoints work. Depending on your needs, you make focus on a different subset of viewpoints (Joaquin Miller).

Serveral people recommended deletion of last sentence in Engineering viewpoint paragraph which states "This viewpoint does not need to be addressed by BOF, it is implied by CORBA."

On Page 7, bullet stating "Additional enterprise viewpoint concepts were suggested …" needs to be clarified and amplified. Only some of these concepts are defined in RM-ODP Part 2 (Haim Kilov). There are some relationship management specifications in the enterprise viewpoint but they may appear elsewhere as well (Bryan Wood).

The object model for the order system in the addendum by Oliver Sims needs improvement. Sale or agreement needs to at the center of the model. Relationships needs to be better specified. Haim Kilov can provide some enhancements.

There was a discussion of the limitations of graphical notations which Haim prefers to avoid. Others thought they were useful. You need an object modeling notation to provide a description of each viewpoint (Bryan Wood). There are two RFP's out for OOAD and a meta-object specification. There is a requirement that responses to these be mutually supportive (Bob Hodges).

At Tools, a document interviewing Rumbaugh, Booch, and Jacobson was presented. Jacobson stated that dynamic sematics are not yet in the Unified Model. They are working on it (Haim Kilov). There was an inadequate response two years ago on this issue of how to describe behavior (Joaquin Miller).

Review of work assignments

Assignments in minutes from last meeting were reviewed.

Business rules for the enterprise viewpoint of RM-ODP - Haim Kilov

Haim walked the Committee through the document briefly. Glenn raised the question of how to use the document in preparing the U.S. contribution to ISO.

The Outline for Draft New Standard was reviewed (ISO/ISE JTC 1/SC 21 N 10387 Rev 1). Business rule specifications and patterns for reuse are the essential concepts and Part 3.2 is an appropriate place for them (Hiam Kilov).

Business specification says what the business does. This does not include workflow detail.

Business design says how the business does it. This includes workflow and specification of what part of the business will be automated.

System specification and system implementation follow from business design.

It would be an important contribution to bring the General Relationship Model into this work and it should be called to the attention of other companies prior to the ISO meeting in Australia (Bryan Wood). There is an explicit reference to the GRM (Haim Kilov).

If ISO standards are needed for standards work, they can be reprinted for this purpose. Joaquin Miller will followup on this. Jean Paul Emard, ANSI, Washington, D.C. is the individual to communicate with.

Action: Haim's instruction for the next meeting is to provide a paragraph on Business Rules for Part 3.2 of the outline.

US ballot comments on SC21 N10387- New Work Item Proposal for Enterprise Language

A draft was reviewed and minor changes made. Votes will be taken at the end of the day on these comments.

Motion: Persons not present at the end of the day will give their votes on the ballot to the Chairman within the next day. Passed by unanimous consent.

Development of Work Items: Discussion of Terminology in OMG RFP4 Guidelines

Many of these concepts are used in RM-ODP Part II but need enhancement:




Process activity

Life Cycle





In RM-ODP a party (person, corporation) has a role when he becomes a homeowner. He becomes part of the community of homeowners. This can be viewed as a composite relationship between party and homeowner. Or homeowner can be viewed as a subtype of party. Or homeowner can be a plug-in to the party object (reuse by delegation).

Within the enterprise viewpoint there are two things that are important (Haim Kilov):

Desire (retire early and wealthy)

Goals (invest in stocks and bonds, etc.)

Composition of desire and goals is a concept.

Action - work for next meeting:

Process, activities and life cycles - Karsten Reimer

Contracts, uniform commercial code, integrating feedback - Haim Kilov

Coordinate Texas Instruments position paper on these concepts - Glenn Hollowell

Motion: Approve minutes of X3H7 7 June 96 Meeting. Passed by unanimous consent.

Motion: Change Ballot title to "RM-ODP Enterprise Language and Relationships to other Viewpoints." Glenn Hollowell, second Frank Manola. Passed 6 for, 0 against, 4 abstentions.

Motion: Change text in clause 2.1 as indicated. Joaquin Miller, second Frank Manola.

Therefore, there exists a clear need to describe how the viewpoint languages are used together for creating application architectures. This description shall be based on existing RM-ODP definitions in IS 10796-2 as refined by IS 10796-3 and the new concepts and constructs defined for the new enterprise viewpoint.

After discussion, the change was amended by unanimous consent to:

Therefore, there exists a clear need to describe how the viewpoint languages are used together for creating application architectures. This description shall be based on existing RM-ODP definitions in IS 10796-2 as refined by IS 10796-3 and the new concepts and constructs defined for the new enterprise viewpoint..

Passed 7 for, 0 against, 1 abstention.

Motion: Change text in clause 2.2 as indicated. Brian Wood, second Glenn Hollowell.

There are no provisions for interoperation with a model prepared for some other enterprise, nor do such models link in a rigorous manner with system specification languages.

Passed by unanimous consent.

Motion: Recommend to X3T3 that they should respond to the Ballot item by voting yes with the editorial comments adopted by X3H7. Glenn Hollowell, Frank Manola second. Passed 7 for, 0 against, 1 abstention.

4 PM Presentation: CF-RFP5 MetaObject Facility/A&D RFP1 by Sridhar Iyengar, Unisys

What does metadata management mean in the context of OMG? What kind of facility could be used in multiple domains. Work has narrowed focused to OOAD models.

In June 1996, RFP5 was issued at Australia meeting. The Architecture Board scoped down the two RFPs and partitioned them into separate areas of concern.

A. MetaObject Facility: Set of IDL Interfaces that manipulate meta-meta-model.

B. Meta-meta-model: Defines how meta-models of OA&D CF will be specified.

C. O&AD CF: Set of IDL interfaces that support creation and manipulation of A&D models.

D. OA&D Meta Model: Enables semantic interoperability and tool interoperability across OA&D methods

  1. O&AD Visualization Meta-model: Set of notations and explanations to enable communication between humans about OA&D artifacts.

Relationships between Models

Abstraction Examples Typical Purview
Domain Objects Telephone customer

Bank customer

Application vendor
Common Business Objects Customer Warehouse Framework vendor
Business Object Facility Plug and play components Framework/Operating system vendor
Object Analysis & Design Models Class diagram

State transition model

Use case

Tools vendor
Meta-Object Facility Class Relationship Model Repository/Framework vendor
OMA Object Model Interface Operation ORB vendor

An abstraction level's model element becomes next higher abstraction level's meta-model element. The Business Object Facility has been inserted into this chart by Jeff Sutherland. It is related to the Meta-Object facility and repository structure, however, and this may not be the optimal placement. The original chart was provided by OA&D TF/Mary Loomis.

BOF, MOF, and OA&D RFPs are scoped down, partitioned, and will be harmonized. Deadlines for all of these will be 15 April 1996, allowing various groups to work together.

Handouts for this presentation are on the Web.

Minutes of this meeting will be submitted to Joaquin Miller in RTF format for posting.

The Committee invites submissions related to the outline of the work item for development of the standard and explanatory papers on the concepts. Submissions for the next meeting are due on 25 November.


Addendum: Joint Meeting with OMG Business Object Domain Task Force, 16 Sep 96

Joaquin Miller - Session Chair

There will be three speakers this morning addressing how to develop business specifications for object-oriented systems:

Speaker - Glenn Hollowell

OMG Business Objects and Open Distributed Processing Enterprise Viewpoint Standards


ODP Viewpoints to OMG Business Object Correspondence

Engineering (BOF)

Technical Enterprise (BO) Information


ODP Enerprise Viewpoint Work Item

-BO overlaps Enterprise/Information


Future ODP work Item

Contacts and Contributions

Tom Rutt X3T3 and head of WG7 delegation


Speaker - Dr. Randy Johnson, National Security Agency, X3J21

What are the obligations of computer systems to humans and what access should they have to other computers.

Randy is a logician, was in academia, last five years in formal specification languages for NSA

Deontic Logic as a language for specifications

Contrast between simplicity and expressive power is central to logic. Logical languages allow you to have it both ways - clean and simple as well as highly expressive. The job of logicians is to define these is the best possible way.

The first thing to talk about in the syntax. Next are the rules of reasoning. Third is precise semantics. We will have time to talk about the first two.

Deontic logic is an extension of proposition logic:

p, q, r stand for propositions which are statements of fact. Randy has a blue shirt on this morning.







(A or B) is an expression that means not(not A and not B) which is the disjunction

Personal aside: In Tibetan philosophy, the ultimate insight is accessible only by negating the negatee. It is not true that there is no personal identity. At the same time, one cannot say there is identity. There is no "self" in the ultimate sense. Disjunction does not work in this case. The computer analogy is that objects have unique identifiers so it is not true that there is not identity. At the same time these identifiers are normally not visible, so they do not exist in some sense. Even when visible, there is an absolute minimal amount of uniqueness, only that they are different, they are arbitrarily chosen, and one is the same as any other except for the uniqueness feature. The partitioning of the underlying reality is arbitrary, but by attaching different attributes and relationships to the arbitrarily partitioned identity, the world of form appears.

A, A implies B modus pundis, most common rule of inference


Predicate logic adds to the power of atomic assertions:

For all x, p(x) means it is not the case that there is an x that doesn't have the property

There exists an x such that p(x) means it is not the case that for all x it fails

Box A means that A is true and necessarily true. Diamond A means that A is true but not necessarily true. We are still in the general setting of modal logic. It happens to be true that Randy is wearing a blue shirt, but that is not necessarily the case. He could have worn the green shirt in his closet.

Box (A implies B) implies (Box A implies Box B)

A implies B

Box A implies Box B


Box A A

It is very difficult to say some things in English that are crystal clear when using symbols. Most logicians accept the proposition above but not the propositions that A implies Box A.

Anything that is a correct rule of logic is necessarily true. This is the fundamental assertion of logicians.

OA means A is obligatory

PA means A is permitted

FA means

OA is equivalent to not permitted not A

PA is equivalent to not obligatory not A

A implies A is OK

OA implies A means whatever ought to be true is true. Not always the case.

OA implies PA. If it is obligatory it must be permissible. You need this.

OA implies OPA. It is permitted implies it ought to be permitted.

In the world, there is often more than one obligation at the same time (federal vs. State law, etc.). Logicians handle this with more than one deontic operator and make one take precedence over the other. If you can't assign precedence you are in trouble.

Standard deontic logic:

A implies O(A implies B) implies (OA implies OB)




If something is provable as a logical statement, it should be true.

This is standard in that it is simple, widely known, and lots of philosophers have argued against it.

FA implies F(A and B) follows from the standard deontic logic theorems

If I beat him up and rob him, this is forbidden. But then I make restitution. This must be permitted and may be obligatory. So this theorem is problematic.

Deontic logic is useful in the real world where what ought to be true is not necessarily true. In telecommunications and chip industries, temporal logic is widely used and is the standard way to do things. There are computer based theorem provers for temporal logic. Deontic logics are not that far along. It is headed from the academic world into the real world. Check the references to get started.

Tom Rutt - ODP says you must state obligations, permissions, and prohibitions. Deontic logic may apply here.

Oliver Sims - Can we apply this to Business Rules?

I don't have enough experience to know, but I do know that it is easier to express things clearly in symbols that cannot clearly be expressed in English.

Take a notion of business obligations and write is down and make it logical precise before trying to discuss it. This may be helpful. At a minimum there could be a computer tool that goes through the logical statements representating policies. For example, if a big bank swallows a little bank. A computer could search through the logical statements of policies of both organizations and find inconsistencies between the two organizations policies.

Check out "Deontic Logic in Computer Science, Wiley Professioal Series

Godel's Theorem question:

Godel's Theorem says you cannot fully specify a logical system, i.e. you cannot prove everything with the system that is true. One example, is that you cannot prove a logical system is consistent. You must use arguments external to the system to try to make the case.

Speaker - Haim Kilov - Business Specifications

Why business objects are not reused?

Grace Hopper understood in 1957 that while calculating the square root was the same in each U.S. city, the calculation of gross pay was different even within cities.

Banks, rules, documents, and contracts existed before computers.

Business logic is in the code! But the code is often ambiguous. Some programs use age minus 44 to calculate insurance projections for a person born in 1945. The cost of fixing this worldwide is estimated to be $300 to $600 billion.

Architect and builders do different things. Builders have subcontractors. In software development, a programmer does all of the above.

"… a pattern defines an invariant field which captures all the possible solutions to the problem given, in the stated range of contexts." Christopher Alexander (an architect understands these things)

Specifications must be simple and understandable to users, developers, and reusers. They must be specified at a higher level than the implementation.

Business specification - understand the business with no reference to computers, software, screens, etc. Must define things, relationships, collections of things.

Let's reuse what good programmers do and keep what good modelers have invented.

"Think first, program later."

Simplicity is key. Abstract and concise. Complete and precise.

Business rules are about objects, operations, and invariants.

Operations involve several things (objects).

Invariants involve several things.

Object- orientation = abstraction plus precision

ODP provides common generic concepts throughout the lifecycle, is well-written and short with emphasis on semantics, not syntax.

Someone (not the programmer) should provide the missing pieces of the business rules in order to be precise so that rules can be effectively implemeted.

Signature vs. Semantics:

contract ( house1, person1, person2, money)

A contract specifies what is true before and what is true after:



Relationships between objects are ambiguously specified in OOAD. For example, I a composition-containment relationship a department may exist without employees, employees must belong to exactly oe department, at least one property of department is independent of an employee, etc.

A definition of a relationship must specify the invariants. Specify once and reuse.

A warm and fuzzy feeling is not a definition.

Composition has mutually orthogonal subtypes

Elementary relationships are not isolated and can be combined into patterns.

A type is a predicate characterising a collection. Therefore a thing may have several types. A thing is a subtype if and only if it satisfies the predicate of the supertype.

An instance satisfies a type and belongs to a class - ODP.

A type is not attached to a thing forever. Relationships can have types.

Patterns for reuse. Understand -> Specify -> Reuse

Almost everything you need to know about business patterns can be found in Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland."

Operations have a contract:

A business rule is one of the last four bullets above.

Biggest problem for reuse is defining things in one context and not considering others.

A model is finished when you can ask all relevant questions in terms of the model.

If pays to be elegant. With a small set of reusable constructs, you have a common ground for modelers and developers, complete and precise business rules, and savings in time, money, and effort.

Many business patterns have been defined and published by Hiam (see slides).


Is there any work going on in specifying contexts?

Haim - Yes and no. Some parts of contexts are invariants. Others must be specified by some approach like deontic logic. We acknowledge that this needs to be done and are looking for a customer that will work with us on this.

How can we get a copy of the ISO General Relationship Model (GRM) document?

Haim - If you are a member of an ISO organization, I can mail you one. I have a limited number of copies of my paper about the ISO document.

Many references were discussed (see slides). For ISO document sources, check out the following:

Oliver Sims - There seems to be a relationship between pre and postconditions and Phase I and Phase II of a two phase commit?

Haim - Yes. To do work on this I need a customer who will fund it.

Oliver Sims - In a cloud of business objects there are multiple resource manners and clean two phase commits are not possible. The best solution to this seems to be to build the business objects in a way that pre and postconditions are enforced.

Haim - Yes, and there is some work going on in this area.

Do you do anything with event typing?

Haim - not yet.

Does the Workflow Coalition know about the model of a business rule? Can they use it?

Haim - There will be a paper at OOPSLA'96 Workshop on Behavioral Specification on this.